“Poichè il nostro è anche e soprattutto un tempo di incontri, intanto devo riconoscere la grande ospitalità del gruppo AV Theater. Di seguito la loro competenza in materia teatrale e la curiosità di mischiarsi e mischiare tecniche e conoscenze fra oriente e occidente, come l'acqua si mischia all'acqua. Infine la loro grande passione mi ha riappassionato al teatro, alla possibilità che il teatro possa ancora cambiare il mondo e renderlo migliore."
“Since our time is above all a time of encounters, I have to recognize first of all the great hospitality of the AV Theatre group. I also need to recognize their expertise regarding theater and their curiosity and desire to mingle and mix techniques and knowledge between East and West, as well as water mixes with water. Finally their great passion have gotten me back to theater, to the possibility that theater can still change the world and make it better"
Richard Vannuccini DP is a theater director, filmmaker, author, actor and scholar of dynamics of the show. Graduated in History of Theater in Rome, he studied Composition with Domenico Guaccero.
He debuted in theater in 1978 with his show at the Avant-garde Festival in Rome where were among others CARMELO BENE and LEO DE BERARDINIS. He cooperated with magazines “Scena” and “Sipario” and either in theater and at the Opera with Vittorio Gelmetti, Luca Ronconi and Peter Stein. Especially with Stein he followed the staging of ORESTEIA in Ostia Antica. With Luca Ronconi cooperated first in a workshop in 1982 in Spoleto, than writing two essays about IGNORABIMUS by Holz in Prato and LE MERCHAND DE VENICE by Shakespeare in Paris with the Comedie Fracaise. Yet, with Ronconi, was assistant at the Opera of Rome for DEMOFONTE. He led a theater workshop for the Directing Institution degree course at the DAMS of Roma Tre University and Sapienza University and Beirut University.
Richard Vannuccini work in Italy, Jordan, Lebanon, Germany.
On performances of Richard Vannuccini wrote among others Maurizio Grande, Carlo Sini, John Bollea, Pietro Montani, Jean Paul Manganaro.